Four Common Lies People Believe About Homeschooling – Gather 'Round Homeschool USA

Four Common Lies People Believe About Homeschooling

by Rebecca Spooner on March 23, 2025

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There are a lot of people out there who think that homeschooling their children is out of the question. Maybe it’s because they feel unqualified or are facing barriers that seem impossible to overcome. It is easy for these thoughts and beliefs about homeschooling and your teaching abilities to go unstated and unaddressed. But I think it’s important to say them out loud, think and pray about them intentionally, and speak truth to any lies we may believe. 

In my experience, there are four common reasons why people feel like homeschooling isn’t possible for them (or that they doubt their abilities). I want to address them and give you some encouragement if you feel inadequate in one (or all) of these ways. You are not the only one struggling with these thoughts. The enemy wants us isolated. He wants us thinking we're the only ones. But the Bible teaches us that there is nothing new under the Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9)we are all human beings sharing similar challenges. 

Lie #1: "I'm Not _____ Enough!"

Fill in that blank however you'd like:

• Patient
• Smart
• Gentle
• Organized

I will be the first to admitpatience is not my natural strength! If patience were a requirement for homeschooling, I would never have embarked on this journey. Things make sense to me quickly, and I struggle when others do not grasp concepts at the same pace.

Here's the truth: Some of these statements about ourselves might be accurate. You might truly struggle with math or patience or organization. 

But these truths do not disqualify you from homeschooling your children!

The beauty of this journey is shifting from "I am the teacher. You are the student," to "We are learning and growing together." None of us knows everything. When we embrace that mindset, something magical happenswe grow alongside our children.

You may not be super patient today, but you will be more patient tomorrow because this journey provides daily opportunities to develop that muscle. Your insecurities, while real, do not have to limit the incredible adventure God has for your family.

Remember: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). Our confidence is not in ourselves but in Jesus. We look to Him, believing He will do good work in our families.


Lie #2: "I Don't Have Enough Money!"

This concern comes up frequently"I wish I could homeschool, but financially it just isn't possible," or "We are on a single income, and it won't work for us."

Let me share something important: Most homeschoolers live on a single income! People make this work with all kinds of financial circumstances. It's not always easy, but it's absolutely possible. You can homeschool for free. There are countless resources online. Will it require more digging and work? Yes. Will you have the fanciest curriculum? Probably not. But here's what I believe: Education is a need, and God provides for our needs.

If He has called you to homeschool, He will provide. Now, will He provide that thousand-dollar curriculum package for each child, plus all the extracurriculars? That depends on our perspective of what homeschooling should look like. You can literally sit at home, read books, have rich discussions, and study scripture. It doesn't have to match the elaborate picture in your head. Sometimes we need to start simple, approach the Lord with open hands, and let Him gradually reveal what matters most.

And rememberpublic school isn't truly "free" either. There are hidden costs: gas, clothing expectations, field trips, fundraisers, and social pressures. Your money reflects what you value, and I have been amazed at what people spend on private education while balking at homeschool resources.


Lie #3: "I Couldn't Be With My Kids All Day!"

This might be the most common statement I hear from non-homeschoolers: "I don't know how you do it—I could never be with my kids all day!"

I understand where this comes from. For someone whose children have always been in a school system, this reality is hard to imagine. But it is still a lie. The enemy wants us to believe our children are exhausting burdens. Yes, they are a responsibilitya weight on our shoulders that requires time and energy. But they can also be our greatest joy!

If you are not enjoying your children, that is a warning sign something needs adjustment. Maybe there are character issues to address. When our family feels frazzled and frustrated by recurring attitude problems, we call a family meeting and reset.

God says, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). This isn't just about your ministry or your time away from kidsit applies to the mundane, everyday trenches of family life! That abundant life is available if you will reach out and take it.

You might need a perception shift or to reset your priorities. Perhaps you have gotten so caught up in survival modechecking boxes, cleaning the house, completing lessonsthat joy has evaporated. That's a signal something needs to change. Children are a gifta fleeting gift. This season when they want to be around you, soak up everything you say and doit is precious and temporary. Yes, boundaries are important! Even when our children were small, we instituted "quiet times" so everyone had breathing space. Teaching respectful interaction is part of the journey.

Remember, homeschooling should bring families together. It's about deeper relationships, not just surface-level connections.


Lie #4: "What If They Fall Behind?"

The fear of failure can both prevent us from starting and haunt us once we are on the journey. But it begs the question: fall behind according to whom?

I always use this illustration: Most people are playing on the Monopoly board of lifegoing around in prescribed circles, following fixed rules, passing GO, and collecting dollars. But we have stepped off that board altogether. We are no longer playing by the same playbook.

What is your success metric? Is it the right one?

Scripture tells us: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33) and "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

When someone challenges you about your child's academic level, ask them: "Who says? Who determined this standard? What evidence supports it?" People develop differently! We have mechanized learning in ways that can actually damage children's natural creativity and genius potential.

I was homeschooled myself until halfway through tenth grade. Those formative years in a flexible, freedom-filled environment helped me develop vision, know myself deeply, and graduate public high school at 16. The fruit of homeschooling in my life is undeniable. And I say this as an encouragement to you . . . if my parents had determined success as grades and report cards, I wouldn’t be where I am today. My path was unique and homeschooling was a big part of my journey. God knows your kids. He knows their “track”. It might not be college or university (or it might be exactly that). It could be far different than you can even imagine. So why let some societal norm trap you in a franchised, packaged-up determination of success? 


Walking in Freedom

These insecurities and fears can be scary. We all have difficult moments that make us question our path. But challenges do not mean we should give up or that this journey isn't for us. Ultimately, this comes down to asking the Lord what He is calling your family to and being obedient to His voice. You are not called to follow the world's system—you are called to "train up a child in the way they should go" ((Proverbs 22:6). That means listening for God's specific direction for your specific children in this specific season. All the other pressure? It can go in Jesus' name.

I encourage you to walk in the freedom Christ has given us. Take every thought and feeling captive, align it with what He has called you to do, and then walk forward in confidence.

Until next week's Tuesday gathering, remember you can catch this content as a podcast or blog post if that is easier to fit into your busy days. Share it with a friend who might need encouragement on their homeschool journey!

With passion and purpose, 

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