– Tagged "Contractions"– Gather 'Round Homeschool USA
If you have recently placed an order, please be aware that our sale backlog as well as inclement weather across the US are causing delays. Thank you for your patience!
Our second unit was the introduction to a series we did covering each continent. We call it Connecting Continents. Daily lessons on 20 different countries including unique food, culture, missionary...
In this unit, students will be learning about the journey of their food: from commercial farms to processing plants and how it arrives on the grocery store shelves we buy...
In this unit, students will be learning about the journey of their food: from commercial farms to processing plants and how it arrives on the grocery store shelves we buy...
In the Inventions and Ideas unit, students will be learning about the ideas that have changed our world, patents, and creating their own inventions throughout the month. They will also...
In the Inventions and Ideas unit, students will be learning about the ideas that have changed our world, patents, and creating their own invention throughout the month. They will also...
Our seatwork journal is a writing mechanics daily practice notebook that includes copywork (in your choice of manuscript or cursive), memory work, spelling practice, vocabulary, daily planning, and even grammar!...
Our seatwork journal is a writing mechanics daily practice notebook that includes copywork (in your choice of manuscript or cursive), memory work, spelling practice, vocabulary, daily planning, and even grammar!...
Our seatwork journal is a writing mechanics daily practice notebook that includes copywork (in your choice of manuscript or cursive), memory work, spelling practice, vocabulary, daily planning, and even grammar! Available in...
Our seatwork journal is a writing mechanics daily practice notebook that includes copywork (in your choice of manuscript or cursive), memory work, spelling practice, vocabulary, daily planning, and even grammar!...
Have a kid who is fascinated by the night sky? You're going to love our Space unit! Learn about the people who dared to dream bigger than what was in...
Have a kid who is fascinated by the night sky? You're going to love our Space unit! Learn about the people who dared to dream bigger than what was in...
 Our seatwork journal is a writing mechanics daily practice notebook that includes copywork (in your choice of manuscript or cursive), memory work, spelling practice, vocabulary, daily planning, and even grammar! Available...