Chemistry Launch, some real life on the road, and Back to School Sale – Gather 'Round Homeschool USA
Please note, our inventory sale has created a bit of a backlog, orders will be a few days delayed.

Chemistry Launch, some real life on the road, and Back to School Sale Q & A! Plus, Rebecca reads a lesson from Chemistry!!

by Rebecca Spooner on May 18, 2022

Rebecca’s Live 5.17.22

1:00 Welcome and update on our travels and adventures!

6:20 Chemistry is LIVE- Finishing up the Experiment Book but have hit some bumps with various issues behind the scenes and life situations for team members. But, it’s coming!

9:25 Scheduled Units Update—

SO many hiccups and delays. And not just us but across the publishing industry. Rebecca is removing dates on year 3 and 4 releases. It’s not creating a healthy environment for customers or our staff. What is promised, is coming out. We just aren’t going to put time restraints on the units. We do apologize for the lateness, but we stand by what we say and will complete these units as promised.

19:45 Sale Questions—

-Letters & Numbers and Ready to Read Everything Bundles will include print, digital, and expansion pack!

-This is the last year Lifer is being offered. Lifer is only available for purchase if you already bought that entire year. Lifer is always digital.

-All units that have been published will be available for sale.

-Sale will be on both the US and CAD sites.

-No pre-orders for unreleased units except for the bundle order of US History.

-Color coding will continue.

29:00 Teacher's Guide MP3s - Psychology should be out in the next few weeks along with the listening guide. Vikings listening guide will be out soon.

30:35 Next years convention schedule… Pigeon Forge is already on the schedule. Otherwise, if you would like to see Rebecca at a homeschool convention near you, you have to request her through that convention. More and more, it’s looking like we will do our own Gather ‘Round Convention!

33:40 If you are brand new to GRH, try a sample HERE! It’s a good way to see if this curriculum is a good fit for your family.

34:45 Last convention will be THRIVE in NC. Check it out and register HERE! You’ll be able to look at our curriculum there! Come see us!

43:35 Rebecca reads a Chemistry Lesson!


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