Updates, behind the scenes, questions . . . join us! – Gather 'Round Homeschool USA
Please note, our inventory sale has created a bit of a backlog, orders will be a few days delayed.

Updates, behind the scenes, questions . . . join us!

by Rebecca Spooner on December 07, 2021

0: Update on Texas trip, where things stand with US and more. 

10:00: Discusses Psychology unit release, will be released next week

13:00: Changes to year 3. Rocks and minerals will not be a part of year 3, there will only be nine units this year. 

20:00: Addresses delayed packages, lost packages, stolen packages, FedEx and more. Please sign up for FedEx alerts, and manage tracking, to ensure you will be home when your package is delivered. 

24:00:  Orders are now available on your account. Canadian customers we are working on importing all of your orders. 

26:00: App update, kids of Gather Round is no more.

27:30: We will be shut down from 12-23 through 1-3 for the holidays. 

31:00: Feel free to adapt Christmas, and any unit we offer to fit the needs of your family. 

35:00: We are hiring for Customer Service. Send an email to applications@gatherroundhomeschool.com

37:00: Lots of chatter, thanks, and goodbye! 

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