Year Announcements + a Q and A – Gather 'Round Homeschool USA
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Year Announcements + a Q and A

by Rebecca Spooner on March 30, 2021

0-  Two giveaways. One digital. One print. Enter by engaging with the post. Winner will be posted by 2:00 EST on 3/31. Units are…..


  1. Living off the Land- Heavy focus on science and home ec. Canning, living off your land, going all in on everything homesteading. 
  2. Dinosaurs- Focusing on the different beliefs, and then dinosaurs
    1. Mini Unit 1: Christmas around the world (original Christmas will also still be available)
  3. Medieval Times- Fun unit on castles, kings and queens
  4. Entrepreneurship- Math, financing, budgeting, business, etc
  5. Vikings- Ship building, culture, all things
  6. Chemistry- Real life chemistry in our day to day. Experiments everyday. 
  7. Psychology- Learning different theories, perceptions, dreams, etc
    1. Mini Unit 2: Growing up with God (puberty, health, etc)
  8. National Parks of North America- camping, ecosystems, trees, forest animals, climates etc.
  9. Sports and PE- History of sports, extreme sports, active living
  10. Geology- Rocks, crystals, minerals, etc

2:18-2:21 Summary of year three, and explanation of the other mini units (US History and another novel study on My Side of the Mountain). Don’t forget the giveaway! 

2:22-2:27 An important announcement NEW! Membership option where you can choose your units each month from a variety of years.  Also talks about an upcoming April ONE day sale! More information coming. 

2:27-2:33   Editing files is not allowed. Files are protected. Printing is allowed. Legality issue for us. Barnes and Noble will no longer print if they can’t edit. We are not sure why.  Explains why we did this and what people were doing to our files. 

2:34-2:35  Careers and Trades is launching!! Will be done today. Different from any of our other units. Fun and engaging unit that your kids will love! Is Math focused. 

2:36-2:37 New merch is up! Order a size up if you do not like fitted. 

2:37-2:47 Spiritual warfare and the Easter unit. Easter will be available until the day after Easter. 

2:47-  We are hoping to offer a magazine, have kids submit entries themselves. 

2:48-2:50  Will year 1 be revamped? Right now you get ALL edit updates. However, if year 1 is totally revamped it will be considered a version 2, and will not be included in the updates. This will probably not be done until we are all the way through our four year cycle.  

2:50-2:55 Gather Groups- designed to work with families working together and only in print. If you order before May 31st you will get a discount and free shipping. Includes a schedule with what you can do at home and in your group ( Alternative is a hybrid school, where you are doing it in a group 2-3 days a week and at home 1-2 days a week. This is a different licensing and would be considered a school.   You can still work together with a couple of families with you all doing digital (each family will need to purchase). 

2:55-2:58 At some point we will be trying out an online course. Not sure when, but it is something we have in mind. Other thoughts related to different ideas they can do with video and equipment like praise and worship. 

2:58-3:00  High school tracker is coming, also an update on the online convention. 

3:00- What is lifer and other questions related to this topic. 

3:01- Convention again, what are we doing, what will topics be?  Etc. (Short answer we are not 100% sure yet) Convention will be FREE! Specific questions? Email 


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