Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles – Gather 'Round Homeschool USA
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles
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Renaissance and Revival Digital Bundles

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This unit tells the stories of ordinary individuals like Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, and Galileo, people who pioneered new paths in their areas of expertise. You will learn about the artists, architects, authors, politicians, kings, queens, theologians, philosophers, explorers, mathematicians, and scientists who pushed the boundaries of their time, paving the way for those who would come after them. Each lesson also includes a focus on a historical revival instead of our normal family devotion. This focus is introduced in the first few lessons as we explain that renaissance means “awakening” and “revival.”

If you are a Gather ‘Round regular, you will notice a few different things in this unit. First of all, there are no color coded sections; I felt that I needed to be free and say what needed to be said regardless of the level. Secondly, like with Life Skills the notebooking is a bit more interactive—the Teacher’s Guide lesson is broken up with notebooking prompts so the information is fresh in everyone’s minds and notetaking is more spread out and less overwhelming. There is also an optional lapbook add-on, where students will complete multiple activities and glue them into a file folder. This can be done instead of the notebooking pages in order to make the unit more interactive and hands-on.

Finally, each lesson includes a page on Shakespeare and understanding old language. The unit begins with exploring the different pronouns from Shakespeare’s time and how they are still used today in hymns and the Kings James Version Bible. It progresses to studying the way that plays were written as well as some common idioms that came from them. The writing project ends with the performance of either a monologue or a play that the student has created.

As we see the themes of restoration, the old becoming new, and beauty emerging from the ashes, may we feel hope arise in our own lives and be stirred up for God to move once again. Behold, He is doing a new thing . . . can we perceive it?

Don't miss our add ons for this unit! Renaissance and Revival Seatwork Books are available in DIGITAL or PRINT.

Our Renaissance and Revival Lapbook is available in DIGITAL or a PRINT/DIGITAL combo. The Lapbook is an optional extension for people who love hands-on learning!

What to buy? You can purchase a leveled bundle with one student notebook of your choice and the Teacher's Guide, or the full family bundle that includes all levels with the Teacher's Guide. If you have more than one child you are buying for, it is more economical to get the full bundle to re-use in the future with your kids at older levels. All digital bundles come as an instant download in PDF format for you to print at home.

How long are units designed to last? Each unit is designed to be 4-5 weeks. Our main units and most of our mini units include 20 lessons and can be done as a 4-day school week (lasting 5 weeks) or a 5-day school week (lasting 4 weeks) to offer flexibility. You're in control! Set a schedule that works best for your family and your pace will dictate how quickly you complete any given unit.


Teacher's Guide: 126 pages

Pre-Reader: 66 pages

Early Reader: 145 pages 

Early Elementary: 146 pages 

Upper Elementary: 150 pages 

Middle School: 151 pages

High School: 158 pages



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