Our final book in our Ready to Read, Kindergarten-Grade 1 series is titled, "On the Savanna." It focuses on animals that you might find on the sunny African savanna. The Teacher's...
Our final book in our Ready to Read, Kindergarten-Grade 1 series is titled, "On the Savanna." It focuses on animals that you might find on the sunny African savanna. The Teacher's...
This unit tells the stories of ordinary individuals like Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, and Galileo, people who pioneered new paths in their areas of expertise. You will learn about...
This lapbook add-on for Renaissance and Revival is an optional extension for people who love hands-on learning! The digital bundle comes with the digital, PDF Instruction Guide with placement, cutting, and...
This lapbook add-on for Renaissance and Revival is an optional extension for people who love hands-on learning! This bundle comes with the printed cut outs for the level of your choice,...
This unit tells the stories of ordinary individuals like Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, and Galileo, people who pioneered new paths in their areas of expertise. You will learn about...
If you have an animal lover in your home, we have the perfect unit for you! Join us as we learn about the most wild, colorful, and interesting reptiles in...
If you have an animal lover in your home, we have the perfect unit for you! Join us as we learn about the most wild, colorful, and interesting reptiles in...
Throughout this unit, you will be learning all about how rocks and minerals are formed, what they look like, where they are found, why they are important, and so much...
Throughout this unit, you will be learning all about how rocks and minerals are formed, what they look like, where they are found, why they are important, and so much...
Throughout this unit, you will be learning about the history of some of your favorite (and maybe new-to-you) sports, how they are played, the rules of the game, as well as...
This full unit is about exploration, adventure, and courage. It follows the story of a small group of people who had a big impact. Students will learn about famous Vikings, the...
Vikings is a unit about exploration, adventure, and courage. It follows the story of a small group of people who had a big impact. Students will learn about famous Vikings,...