Gathered in His Name 2024 – Gather 'Round Homeschool USA


This three-day conference has something for everyone. You don't have to be a homeschooler, you don't have to use our curriculum, and you definitely don't have to find a babysitter because we gear our meetings to the whole family (or sneak away by yourself). If you haven't been to one of our events before, please note that this is not your typical conference. We don't have vendors (though we will have Gather 'Round books available to look through and physical books to purchase and take home to save on shipping). We don't have multiple speakers—you'll be hearing from Rebecca and her family for most of the event. While we have a rough schedule, you may find that things change in the moment as we try to be sensitive to the Spirit. Think of it as less of a conference and more of a family retreat. Each session will start with worship, there will be times of prayer, times for fellowship and connection, and so much more! 

This years theme is Restore. If your family has felt disconnected—come. If you have been dealing with depression and darkness—come. If you are at the end of your rope—come. If you need encouragement and prayer and to cut through to the heart of the matter—come. If you feel your heart burning in your chest as you read this or your pulse quickening—come. And as we gather in HIS name, let's see what God will do when we give Him the reigns and say "Your kingdom come, your will be done." 

I feel it in my bones He's about to move. 

While this event is free, there will be a donation one night to help cover our expenses. We also are asking that you register so that we can make sure to have enough lanyards, seats, and help! You can register below or check out the full schedule to see more of what to expect. 

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